Waterfall Boy

On the morning he was born he said to me
I’m a waterfall boy mama can’t you see
I belong in a place where the water meets the stone
I’m a waterfall boy, way down inside my bones.

Canyons run deep and the rivers run wild
In the splendid heart of a waterfall child

Five years old at the Red Rock falls
Northern Montana where the wild wolf calls
He said oh daddy don’t you take me away
I’m a waterfall boy this is where I want to stay

Canyons run deep and the rivers run wild
In the splendid heart of a waterfall child

He grew up strong and he grew up tall
With the disposition of a waterfall
Whole lot of big and a whole lot of proud
A whole lot of air and a whole lot of loud

Canyons run deep and the rivers run wild
In the splendid heart of a waterfall child

So he went to the Salmon the Snake and the Green
To the deepest canyons he had ever seen
He met the rattlesnake, he heard the canyon wren
And he stood up on the sand stone
He watched the storms roll in

Canyons run deep and the rivers run wild
In the splendid heart of a waterfall child

Life is like a river and the rapids are long
They’re gonna make you humble
they’re gonna make you strong.

So he learned to read the water, learned to follow it down
Heard the canyon echo with the waterfall sound
He took the river for a teacher, he took the river for a friend
But he never took for granted what could be around the bend.

On the Trinity River in the summertime
When the fruit hangs sweet on the tangled vine
There’s a spirit in the river there’s gold in the sand
And the waterfall boy is a waterfall man.

Canyons run deep and the rivers run wild
In the splendid heart of a waterfall child

There’s a spirit in the river, there’s gold in the sand
And there the waterfall boy became a waterfall man
And the waterfall boy became a waterfall man.

Written by Sara Hoxie. Song appeared on the albums Waterfall Boy and Prayer for Feather River.